Flash Frontier

Artist Commentary: Claire Beynon, Many as one

Interviews and Features

This growing honeycomb is a whole of many parts whose purpose is to stitch together a cross-section of life as observed and experienced in countries around the globe; think of us creating a new, unified continent, one that weaves together our diverse languages and ways of seeing and that celebrates science alongside poetry, the UN’s Goals for Sustainable Living beside ancient aquatic organisms, music in dialogue with mathematical theorems.

The stitching process is documentary in nature, not in the way of news reportage but rather as a means of processing current realities via visual metaphor in an attempt to bring light to the ‘happenings of the times’ and so to find the stories that connect us.

Beyond our geographical, ideological/religious and political differences, we have a shared language that affirms us as kin. We have the potential to work together for the greatest good at a time in global history that is at once complex and inspiring, daunting and wondrous.

Visit the project: http://www.manyasonemao.com/honeycomb-project.html

Claire Beynon is an artist, writer and independent researcher based in Dunedin, New Zealand. Drawn increasingly to interdisciplinary work, she has established valued collaborative partnerships with scientists, filmmakers, musicians, fellow artists and writers in her home country and abroad. Antarctica has her under its spell; two summer research seasons with US scientists (in a remote field camp on the edge of the Taylor Dry Valleys) significantly altered her way of seeing and being in the world.
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