Liz Breslin is a writer, editor performer and PhD candidate at the University of Otago. Liz’s poem collections are In bed with the feminsts (Dead Bird Books, 2021), winner of the Kathleen Grattan Prize for a Sequence of Poems 2020, and Alzheimer’s and a spoon, (OUP, 2017 & 2021) which was one of the NZ Listener’s top 100 books of 2017. Liz has had residencies in Krakow, Poland and (virtually) at the National Centre for Writing, UK, and is looking forward to a residency at the Michael King Writer’s Centre in Auckland in August 2023 to work on a collection of short stories.
Jane Thompson
Jane Thompson is a retired communications consultant. She lives in Havelock North, Aotearoa New Zealand, in the house...