Flash Frontier

Rod Eales


Rod Eales was born on the coast of Bay of Plenty. Since graduating from both Art School and College of Education in Dunedin, she has pursued a dual career in both teaching and painting. Her painting work has always centred around either Still Life or the Natural World. Her current interests lie in the flower as a language, or means for presenting simple narratives to express a range of ideas and emotions.

Her work with young children focuses on aspects of the Natural World, focusing on long-term research projects that develop artistic thinking and processes.

She paints in a studio surrounded by garden where there is a never-ending supply of inspiration, activity, growth and calm.

Her work is represented in collections, both nationally and internationally.

Rod Eales’ ‘The Art of the Flower’ is on exhibit at the Eastern Southland Gallery until 24 March 2024. Find out more here.

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