On July 25, former Flash Frontier editor Gail Ingram launched her third poetry collection. We had a long chat with her...

James Norcliffe: We’re not all bad. We just can’t help ourselves.
In December 2022, we celebrated James Norcliffe’s new novel for young people, The Crate (see that interview here)....
Language feature: Helen Heath and Mikaela Nyman
Michelle Elvy talks with Helen Heath and Mikaela Nyman. Mikaela translated a set of Helen’s poetry in 2022, and it was included in the Helsinki Bookfair in October.
2022 John O’Connor Award: Rose Collins, My Thoughts Are All Of Swimming
In conversation with editor Gail Ingram we ask Rose Collins about her debut poetry collection My Thoughts Are All of Swimming, which won the inaugural John O’Connor Award.
Poetry: Fiona Farrell, Nouns, verbs, etc.
About Nouns, verbs, etc. Nouns, verbs, etc. is Fiona Farrell's fourth book of poetry, a 'Best Of' including some of...
Youth Voices: Five writers discuss poetry, story and activism through words
Imagination Unbound: Five Women on the Poetic Narrative Form
Panelists Diane Brown, Every Now and then I Have Another Child (Otago University Press, 2020). Diane Brown is a...
Philip Temple: Berlin poems from the past
Previously published in takahē KU'DAMM CORNER January 1990 A swell of tourists breaks against the largest electronic...
Poetry: Vaughan Rapatahana at the 2019 International Festival, London
Vaughan Rapatahana is honoured to be invited to participate in the 2019 Poetry International Festival to be held at...
Ru Freeman: New Poetry and Photographs
Let Us Then See Young and fierce turned wise bringing with it the undercarriage gift of seeing The enemy grew into his...
Poetry: Erik Kennedy
Three poems Non-prose narrative poetry from Erik's 2018 collection. Get a Pet with a Longer Lifespan Than Humans Have...
Poetry: Bernadette Hall
Two works from Life & Customs, Victoria University Press 2013 Millennia of silence and no rain It’s in...
Prose: Laurence Fearnley
Antarctica – Looking Back I have been to the Antarctic twice. The first time was in January 2004 as an Antarctic Arts...
Poetry: Rethabile Masilo – Lesotho
Interview Four poems Interview Flash Frontier: When did you start writing, and what attracted you to poetry? Rethabile...